Friday, February 8, 2013


I was writing a post (now in draft), when something nudged at my mind.

Whoops.... First anniversary of this blog way past.     2/2/12.     Only eleven days before the hysterectomy, to remove the uterus and the tumor(doctors presuming it cancerous, turning out to be a football-sized non-cancerous fibroid.)

Amazing how time flies when one was in a daze all through the year.

Basically I'm ignoring February.....earlier today I talked about this day "March 13" and that day "March 15"..and the friend kept reminding me "you mean February 13 and February 15, next week, right?"

Right..., February.  

Hurry up, March, bring your ass up here.


  1. I did the same thing (forgot my blogoversary). I guess the reasons that drive us to start a blog aren't exactly happy circumstances. Hugs, hun.

  2. I hope you feel that the year blogging has helped you. And I hope you will continue to blog, because I want to hear what you have to say.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oh no wonder, perhaps that's why some folks hadn't contacted me when I gave FB info on other bloggers' posts. LOL Thanks for explaining- that makes sense. I found you and sent you a friend request.

      yes, I'll keep writing. :)

  4. Wolfers, i know this is a hard month for you. i know it is a hard anniversary, but i am so glad you are here writing and that i found you. i love reading your words. and you make me feel less alone. i don't know many other people who became infertile due to a hysterectomy and i wish neither of us were here. but we are. and i am glad to be in the company of a smart, funny, interesting, well-written lady whom I'd love to meet in real life sometime.

    1. Thanks, Nicole- I have tears in my eyes- yes you're right, It does help knowing there's others (hysterectomy/CNBC). I had thought myself a freak until you and a few others spoke up, experiencing the same thing. Hard to describe, but hopefully you get the idea, some bloggers have struggled with this for years, but in this case, it happened fast, less than five months. Didn't have much time to process, as you said, Nicole.
      Would be great to know you in person... BTW, I had corrected my facebook issue (thanks to Amel), so you can find me as Julie Wolfers. (That is if you do have facebook.)
