Thursday, February 2, 2012


After days, even weeks, I had been juggling on whether to write a blog on my experiences from the beginning and what I'm going through currently:  infertility.  Just one word, but it is something fearsome especially if one wants children and fear, "Will I ever have children?"

I have looked at many infertility blogs and realized something remarkable yet different.  I sympathize with the women and men struggling with inferility, nevertheless they still have....


By that what I mean, they go through medical procedures to figure out what's wrong, and to find options in increasing their fertility; which may include taking fertility drugs, IVF (in vitro fertilitization), surgery, artifical inseminsation, gamete intrafalopian transfer (GIFT), Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and donor eggs/sperms.  Surrogacy is included as well.

Hence, there are options, giving the sense of hope that somehow, one will pull up a good hand of cards and end up having a newborn in their arms. 

The difference for me is that I had a 'deck of cards' not yet opened, and then I didn't have it anymore. 

So you're welcome to walk the path with me as I figure how this is going to affect my life.

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